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Corporate Membership

A big thanks to our corporate members. Their on-going contributions to our organization help us fund:

  • presentations and negotiations with Land Managers (travel expenses and presentation materials);
  • stewardship events (Earth Day clean-ups, etc);
  • collaborations with land managers on joint projects (new signage, bolting projects);
  • distribution of critical access information to the climbing community (flyers, website hosting, area specific guidelines, crag signage)

The Ontario Alliance of Climbers is grateful to all our past and present supporters that help us carry out our mission to expand and retain access to climbing within the province.

Corporate Memberships

If you are a business, then consider becoming a corporate member! Working together will benefit the whole climbing community! Annual memberships are $100.

Sign Up for an OAC Corporate Membership

Ongoing Support

Other opportunities for demonstrating your support above and beyond the minimum, such as: advertising opportunities (front page banner on the website), title sponsorship of events, event hosting and joint distribution of OAC merchandise are available.

Contact Us to Find Out More