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National Parks


  • Bruce Peninsula National Park

Climbing currently does or has the potential to occur in many of Canada’s National Parks. “National parks protect the habitats, wildlife and ecosystem diversity representative of – and sometime unique to – the natural regions. The National parks of Canada are a source of pride for Canadians and an integral part of our identity; they celebrate the beauty and infinite variety of our land.Parks Canada is responsible for both protecting the ecosystems of these magnificent natural areas and managing them for visitors to understand, appreciate, and enjoy in a way that doesn’t compromise their integrity.” 1 

Ontario Provincial Parks


  • Devil’s Glen (recreation class)
  • Lion’s Head (nature reserve)

Provincial Parks in which climbing activities can potentially or currently do occur fall into the following categories of provincial parks.

  1. Wilderness Class Parks
  2. Natural Environment Class Parks
  3. Nature Reserve Class Parks
  4. Historical Class Parks
  5. Recreational Class Parks
  6. Waterway Class Parks

“These parks each have different specific purposes, but all of them share the following characteristics.

  • To permanently protect representative ecosystems, biodiversity and provincially significant elements of Ontario’s natural and cultural heritage and to manage these areas to ensure that ecological integrity is maintained.
  • To provide opportunities for ecologically sustainable outdoor recreation opportunities and encourage associated economic benefits.
  • To provide opportunities for residents of Ontario and visitors to increase their knowledge and appreciation of Ontario’s natural and cultural heritage.
  • To facilitate scientific research and to provide points of reference to support monitoring of ecological change on the broader landscape”3

Conservation Authorities:


  • Old Baldy
  • Rockwood
  • Eugenia Falls

“Conservation Authorities are nonprofit organizations, each with their own Board of Directors with members appointed by local municipalities. The majority of Board representatives are elected municipal officials.
Ontario Conservation Authorities are a network of 36 Conservation Authorities, local watershed management agencies that deliver services and programs that protect and manage water and other natural resources in partnership with government, landowners and other organizations. Conservation Authorities promote an integrated watershed approach balancing human, environmental and economic needs. Conservation Authorities are organized on a watershed basis.
Funding for Conservation Authorities is derived from a variety of sources, but on the average 42% comes from self generated revenues; 33% is provided through municipal levies; 23% comes from provincial grants and special projects and 2% is provided by federal grants or contracts.”4 

Ontario Crown Land   


  • Metcalfe Rock

“Ontario’s Crown land provides the opportunity for many outdoor recreational activities. Although most Crown land is available for the enjoyment of both Ontario residents and visitors, access to some Crown land may be restricted or limited. The Ministry of Natural Resources may post signs to limit certain kinds of travel or activity (including camping), as well as close forest access roads for reasons of public safety or environmental protection. Please contact the local MNR office for more information about the Crown land in the area you hope to visit.”5   

Private Land


  • TV Tower 

Climbing in Ontario Private land in Ontario occurs at number of areas.  Often access trails, or the areas themselves are contained within or touch private land.  Private Land can be that of an individual, a company, or an organization.  Before climbing on private land it is important to discover who the status of climbing access to this property.  It is also important to respect whatever rules the landowner has asked be respected (eg. No camping, no fires, etc.). 

