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Halfway Log Dump Opening

By May 19, 2010November 30th, 2022No Comments

The OAC is very pleased to announce that as of May 22, 2010, bouldering is permitted on designated boulders at Halfway Log Dump (HWLD) in Bruce Peninsula National Park. The re-opening of HWLD to bouldering is the result of a “Recreational Activity Assessment Process”, completed in partnership by Parks Canada and the Ontario Access Coalition. This opening is a great opportunity for the Ontario Bouldering community to enjoy the area while acting as a steward for the Park. See Official BPNP bulletin here. Bouldering at HWLD was closed spring of 2003, to protect the natural resources of the park from inappropriate development of boulder problems. Boulderers interested in climbing here should continue reading below.

Opening day will kickoff at Noon on May 22nd (weather permitting), at the Crab boulder with a brief orientation session by the OAC and Bruce Peninsula National Parks staff. Boulderers should familiarize themselves with the guidelines created from the ‘Recreational Activity Assessment Process’ and actively promote the guidelines to other boulderers. Additionally, Boulderers need to be keenly aware of an endangered yellow flower called the Lakeside Daisy that grows on the first three large boulders on the shoreline (closed to climbing). A thorough monitoring program has been put in place to support the guidelines and protect the natural features of HWLD.

What are the Guidelines?

Bouldering will be permitted at HWLD on specific boulders on the shoreline at the area, while bouldering will not be permitted on boulders located within the forest or on the Lakeside Daisy Boulders.

  1. Aspire to boulder without leaving a trace at Halfway Log Dump. Remove chalk after climbing, pack out trash, and pick up litter. There is a composting toilet at the parking lot for use at Halfway Log Dump.
  2. Maintain a low profile when bouldering at Halfway Log Dump. By maintaining a low profile we help to preserve the quality of experience for other visitors.
  3. Climb only on the boulders on the flat rock beach area between the Crab boulder and Cave Point.There are hundreds of boulders in this area. Do not boulder in the forest or on the Lakeside Daisy boulders. Use existing trails to help protect natural features.
  4. Be aware of key plant species to be protected in Halfway Log Dump. Plant species can be easily overlooked. Do not trample or pick vegetation.
  5. Understand and respect historical ethics and restrictions Halfway Log Dump. Stay on the beach, brush off chalk, keep your gear tidy, and be friendly!
  6. Follow all of the rules of the Park. Educate others and report violations to the Park. Be a steward.
    Boulder safely at Halfway Log Dump. Boulder within your comfort zone and be an attentive spotter. Provide assistance and guidance to other visitors, as needed.
  7. Develop new Boulder problems responsibly. Violating this rule led to closure of bouldering at Halfway Log Dump in the past. If in doubt, leave it alone.

Where can I get the Beta?

There is a free downloadable guide to the area. This guide can be printed double-sided and stapled in the middle to create a nice little booklet that fits in the top of your pack. You will need somewhere to stay ahead of time so make sure to check out the ‘Accommodations’ section of the guide before heading up. The official park brochure supporting bouldering is available here.

How can I help?

The OAC is looking for boulderers to promote the guidelines above to other boulderers and act as ambassadors for our sport and the area. While the OAC tries to reach out to as many boulderers as possible,we can’t reach everyone and we are looking for volunteers to act as site hosts on weekends. Quite simply, Site Hosts will help ensure the activity runs smoothly. The park has offered to waive the $11.70 parking fee for the cars of these individuals. If you are interested in acting as a “Volunteer Site Host” for weekend this summer please drop us a line at and pick your weekend.

Thank you very much to all of the OAC members, Sponsors, Partners, and volunteers for there help and encouragement in regaining access to HWLD.