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Press & Publications

Research Publications

Rock Climbing and Talus Vegetation on the Niagara Escarpment: Impacts and Management Implications, by Sommer Foster. MFC Capstone Project, Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto. 2015.
“Climbers’ Perceptions Toward Sustainable Bouldering at the Niagara Glen Nature Reserve”, by Jay Thompson and Garrett Hutson, at the NEC Leading Edge Conference 2011.
“Stakeholder views of place meanings along the Niagara Escarpment”, by Garrett Hutson and Diane Montgomery (2010). In Leisure 34:4, pp 421-442.
“A case study on environmental perspectives of boulderers and access issues at the Niagara Glen Nature Reserve., Thompson, J., Davidson, J., and Hutson, G., Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, 12 (2): 24-31 2008
“Rock climbers not guilty of destroying plant life”, 01 July 2006, New Scientist
“Influences of microhabitat constraints and rock-climbing disturbance on cliff-face vegetation communities” Kuntz, KL; Larson, DW CONSERVATION BIOLOGY, 20 (3): 821-832 JUN 2006


“Ontario Rock Climbing Management: Partnerships & Strategies”, Garrett Hutson and Mike Penney, at the Centre for Applied Science in Ontario (Casiopa) Protected Areas Conference 2017.

Climbing and Popular Press

“The Perils of Taking Indoor Rock Climbing Outside”, Phillip Dwight Morgan, Toronto Star, November 24, 2017.
“Refuge”, by Paula Wright, Alpinist 58  Summer 2017.
“A healthy vision for parks and people: An Ontario rock climbing success story”, by Garrett Hutson, Brock News, July 8 2016.
“Bouldering Totally Rocks”, by Chris Mills, photos by Dennis Barnes, Niagara Escarpment Views, Spring 2015.